Tax Dispute Resolution & Controversy Services

Tax Dispute Resolution & Controversy Services

KPMG works with clients to protect against, prepare for, and resolve disputes with tax authorities.

KPMG works with clients to protect, prepare and resolve disputes with tax authorities.

Tax law can be complex and uncertain and with each new development in the tax environment, the context for resolving tax disputes changes. New legislation, pressure on tax receipts, pressure on businesses to add value and manage cash — there is always a risk that revenue authorities have a different opinion as to how the taxation law applies to a tax position. For companies, this could result in a position of conflict that requires strategy and expertise to navigate.

KPMG’s national team of specialists has extensive experience assisting organisations resolve tax disputes, whilst maintaining an effective working relationship with revenue authorities.

We assist by assessing the prospects of a successful outcome, addressing uncertain tax positions and strategies with the revenue authorities and assisting with internal reviews.

We can help resolve cross-border tax disputes and can consult with Treasury for legislative amendments where adverse decisions arise from unintended outcomes. Our experts can appear before the ATO’s General Anti-Avoidance Review panel in response to anti-avoidance matters, and participate in alternative forms of dispute resolution and tax litigation in the High Court, Federal Court of Australia, State Supreme Courts and Administrative Appeals Tribunal. 

Our assistance extends to deploying sophisticated proprietary software to collect, organise and review evidence relevant to a taxation dispute. We provide valuations and reviews by relevant accounting experts and enlist experienced practitioners in fields such as economics, IT and engineering to assist in further understanding the client’s position.  

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